
Lost in music

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Psychol0gist's avatar

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The sounds of the world drown out.
White noise.
The rhythm starts to build.
Bass pops and locks your brain.
The treble grooves along your senses.
Tempo takes over your entire body.
First your head, bobbing along the waves.
Arms and hands move the guitar you imagined.
Feet drops the foot pedal with tremendous force.
You don't care in the slightest about the world.
Only the music that serenades your soul.
Until the end comes.
White noise drops all of that.
Once again in reality until the next song in line comes along.
Then it starts once more.
Losing yourself again in the music.
I feel this every single time I ride the train. Don't care for much on the train, as long as I can groove to my music tastes.

Wonder if you sometimes feel like spontaneously rocking out?
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KarmacraneMindchilds's avatar
blindfoild me so i can only see the stars and let me dance amongst them with my music